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Tuberculosis (TB)

  • Pathophysiology and epidemiology                                        

  • Infection by one of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex: M. tuberculosisM. bovis, or M. africanum. They are acid-fast bacilli (AFB), meaning their high-lipid, waxy coating make them difficult to decolorize with acids during staining.
  • Respiratory transmission.
  • In primary infection it enters the lungs and is engulfed by macrophages. The macrophages form granulomas (aka tubercles), which can become necrotic ('caseating'). There is often spread to local lymph nodes.
  • It remains latent until reactivation (aka secondary infection, postprimary infection), which may occur during transient immunosuppression and/or physical stress. The lifetime risk of active TB among latent carriers is 10%.
  • Can disseminate in blood or lymphatics to cause single organ or multiorgan ('miliary') disease, especially in kids and the immunosuppressed.

  • Signs and symptoms


    • Primary infection is usually asymptomatic, with active disease usually representing secondary reactivation.
    • Onset can be insidious and non-specific.
    • When symptoms occur, there are often systemic features: fatigue, malaise, fever, night sweats, weight loss, anorexia, and immunosuppression.

    Organ-specific TB

    Pulmonary TB:

    • Chronic productive cough ± haemoptysis, clubbing.
    • Can progress to pneumonia, pleural effusion, lobar collapse, and bronchiectasis.
    • Accounts for 60% of TB cases in UK.

    Genitourinary TB:

    • Frequency, dysuria, loin/back pain, haematuria.
    • Can progress to renal TB, salpingitis, epididymitis, and cystitis.
    • 2nd commonest TB presentation in UK.


    • Skeletal TB: most commonly affects spine (Pott's disease). Can lead to vertebral collapse.
    • Skin TB (aka lupus vulgaris): rough nodules, often on the face or shin, which are +ve for AFB. Other TB skin manifestations include scrofula ('cold' cervical lymphadenopathy), erythema nodosum, and erythema multiforme.
    • Peritoneal TB: abdominal pain, diarrhoea, vomiting, ascites.
    • TB meningitis: neurological signs are usually preceded by weeks of systemic symptoms. TB can also cause tuberculomas: tubercles in the brain.
    • TB pericarditis: acute or constrictive pericarditis.

    Miliary TB

    Affects multiple organs so symptoms are varied; there are often retinal signs.

  • Risk factors

    • Contact with infected individuals.
    • South Asian or African.
    • Homeless
    • Immunosuppressed, including HIV and extremes of age.
  • Investigations


    CXR is the first line investigation. Get it even in extrapulmonary TB.

    Primary infection findings:

    • Distinct Ghon focus in the middle zone, or an area of patchy consolidation. Sometimes the parenchymal focus is too small to detect.
    • Extra-parenchymal features: ipsilateral hilar lymphadenopathy (especially in kids), effusion (especially in adults).
    • These signs may resolve following successful immune response, leaving just calcified nodes in ⅓.

    Secondary infection findings:

    • Cavitating lesion (air-filled) in the apices, especially the right.
    • Other signs include patchy consolidation and linear or nodular opacities.

    Miliary TB findings:

    • Diffuse 1-10 mm shadows throughout lung fields.
    • The term 'miliary' is used to describe a CXR when there are more nodules than can be easily counted. Other causes include varicella pneumonia, miliary mets (e.g. thyroid or breast), or reticulonodular interstitial lung diseases such as coal worker's pneumoconiosis.


    Getting samples:

    • Pulmonary: 3 sputum samples (including 1 early morning), ideally spontaneous. Otherwise induce with nebulized saline (airway irritant) or do bronchoalveolar lavage. In kids, gastric lavage is preferred to BAL as it is more sensitive.
    • Extrapulmonary: aspirate or biopsy lymph nodes, ascites, organs, pus, urine, or CSF.


    • Microscopy, culture, and sensitivities. AFB smear and microscopy usually involves Ziehl-Neelsen staining, which is around 65% sensitive. Culture in a Lowenstein-Jensen medium typically takes 4-8 weeks and is around 80% sensitive.
    • Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAAT) allow diagnosis a week earlier than culture, with a similar sensitivity.
    • PCR for rifampicin resistance.
    • Histology of biopsies for caseating granuloma.

    Immunological testing


    • Mantoux (aka PPD): a tuberculin skin test. A delayed hypersensitivity response to tuberculin develops from 2-10 weeks after primary infection. Also +ve post BCG vaccination.
    • Interferon gamma release assays (IGRA): Quantiferon Gold or T-spot. Measures T cell response (IFN-γ release) to TB antigens. More specific than tuberculin skin tests.

    Uses and limitations:

    • Both are around 80% sensitive.
    • Cannot distinguish between latent and active TB, so especially limited for individuals from endemic regions.
    • More useful for screening contacts than diagnosis. Mantoux usually first, then confirmed with IGRA, or use IGRA first in those with previous BCG.

    Other investigations

    • HIV screening.
    • Basic bloods – FBC, LFT, U&E – may show systemic and extrapulmonary disease, and are required for baseline values before starting treatment.
    • Imaging for suspected extrapulmonary TB: CT/MRI (CNS, abdo, bone), US (pericardial, lymph node, GU), XR (bone).
  • Management

    Active TB

    Infection control:

    • Notify public health authorities.
    • Screen close contacts.
    • For pulmonary TB, isolate patient in a single room, ideally negative pressure, for first 2 weeks of treatment. Have them wear mask if they leave the room.
    • Masks and gowns for healthcare workers are only needed for aerosol-generating procedures like sputum induction or bronchoscopy, or for multidrug-resistant TB.

    Drug treatment:

    • Treat before confirmation by culture if clinical suspicion is high. Consider continuing treatment even if culture is negative but clinical signs are strong.
    • 6 months treatment with RIPE: Rifampicin and Isoniazid throughout, and Pyrazinamide and Ethambutol for the first 2 months (4 for 2, 2 for 4).
    • Add further 6 months of dual therapy for meningeal TB.
    • Add steroids for meningeal and pericardial disease.
    • Consider directly observed therapy (DOT) to increase adherence.

    Latent TB

    Offer treatment to those with latent infection plus any 1 of:

    • Close contacts with active TB.
    • At high risk of progression to active TV: immunosuppressed, aged <5 years, alcoholic, IVDU, diabetes, or CKD
    • Immigrants from high incidence countries.
    • Healthcare workers.

    Drug options:

    • 3 months isoniazid + rifampicin.
    • 6 months isoniazid monotherapy if need to avoid rifampicin e.g. on antiretrovirals.


    Mantoux/IGRA screening for:

    • Healthcare workers who are unvaccinated or from high incidence countries.
    • Close contacts (household, partner) of people with active TB.
    • Immigrants from high incidence countries.


    • If -ve, give BCG.
    • If +ve, assess for active TB and treat latent/active TB as needed.
    • In older immigrants, benefits of BCG (if age >35) and latent TB treatment (if age >65) may be smaller so are not routinely indicated.

    BCG vaccine:

    • Reduces infection risk by 25% and active TB risk by 70% (in children).
    • In addition to those identified through screening, give to children at risk i.e. high risk UK areas, family from high risk countries.
    • Also offer to those at risk through occupational exposure e.g. vets who handle TB-prone animals, prison staff, long-term foreign travellers.
  • Side effects of TB medication

    • Rifampicin: hepatitis (so stop if ↑BR), orange urine/tears, P450 inducer (inactivates warfarin and contraceptive pill), flu-like symptoms.
    • Isoniazid: hepatitis, agranulocytosis, P450 inhibitor. Peripheral neuropathy can result from pyridoxine depletion, so give supplements to all.
    • Ethambutol: optic neuritis. Colour vision goes first, so check it using Ishihara charts before starting.
    • Pyrazinamide: hepatitis, arthralgia.



Newborn Baby Assessment

Baby check at birth and 6 weeks  Check notes and get equipment ready:   Measuring tape. Ophthalmoscope Sats probe. In notes, look at full details of pregnancy and birth, including Apgar scores at 1 and 5 minutes. Observation: Colour: pink/red, pale, jaundiced. Any rash? Erythema toxicum is a self-limiting rash of red papules and vesicles, surrounded by red blotches which sometimes give a halo appearance. Usually occurs between 2 days and 2 weeks. Behaviour and mood. Movements. Face: dysmorphism? Head: Feel fontanelle (bulging? sunken?) and sutures. Note that posterior fontanelle closes at 1-2 months, and anterior at 7-19 months. Measure circumference at widest point; take the highest of 3 measurements. Looking for hydrocephalus and microcephaly. Eyes: check red reflex with ophthalmoscope. Feel inside top of mouth with little finger for cleft palate. Also gives you the sucking reflex. Inspect ears to see if they are low-set (below eye level), have any tags or lumps, and check behind the

immunization schedule

Infant immunisations  2 months 5-in-1 DTaP/IPV/Hib – diptheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, Hib – dose 1. Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) dose 1. Rotavirus dose 1. Live, oral virus. MenB dose 1. 3 months 5-in-1 dose 2. MenC dose 1. Rotavirus dose 2. 4 months 5-in-1 dose 3. PCV dose 2. MenB dose 2. 12 months MMR dose 1. MenC dose 2 + Hib dose 4 (combined). MenB dose 3. PCV dose 3. Hepatitis B if they have risk factors. Toddler immunisations Flu vaccine Annual, live attenuated nasal spray flu vaccine in September/October at age 2-7. Kids with asthma and other chronic diseases like CF will continue to get this through childhood and beyond. Contraindicated in severe egg allergy, immunosuppression (inc. steroids in past 2 weeks), and severe asthma or active wheeze. Alternative form can be given. Postpone in those with heavy nasal congestion. 3.5 years 4-in-1 DTaP/IPV: dip, tet, pertussis, polio pre-school boost. MMR dose 2. Teenager immunisations 12 years HPV: Girls only. Parental conse

Hypertension (HTN)

Background     Causes Primary causes: Essential HTN (i.e. idiopathic). Commonest cause. Non-pathologically raised during pain or anxiety (including white coat HTN). However, this may suggest underlying problem so consider following up. Kidney diseases (80% of secondary HTN): Chronic kidney disease. Renal artery stenosis: due to atherosclerosis or fibromuscular dysplasia. Latter most commonly occurs in young women, but even then essential HTN is still commoner. Endocrine: Conn's Cushing's Pheochromocytoma Acromegaly Hyperparathyroidism Other: Obstructive sleep apnoea Pregnancy or pre-eclampsia. Coarctation of the aorta. Medication: CE-LESS ('see less'): C yclosporin E strogen (OCP) L iquorice E PO S teroids S ympathomimetics: α-agonists, dopamine agonists, cocaine, amphetamines, and nasal decongestants such as ephedrine. Signs and symptoms Symptoms of HTN itself are rare, and occur only in severe disease. They include heada